
Give me the gep gun
Give me the gep gun

There are so many possibilities but it's just me now. I want this mod to have even smarter AI, better reload anims, dismemberment (not excessive), and all sorts. The GEP gun functionality is because of you pointing out the removal of GEP gun lock-on/auto-aim conflicts directly with it's name (doh), so we gave it new, better kind of guiding systems (which admittedly need a bit more work and will have to be updated in a patch but it works as you can see in one of the promotional videos). Oh and plenty polish based on your extremely helpful feedback, so thanks again for that. It was about four months ago since you played if I remember correctly so it's not a absolute ton of changes, but four months of solid hard work. Further balancing efforts for everything weapon, skill and augmentation related. AI react to stealing in appropriate places, and not always with hostility. More changes to AI: AI react faster to sound events so they can not be easily exploited. A focus on the handling and feedback of weapons to make them "feel" more beefy: Increased camera shake, new sounds and improved ballistics impact efects ( as seen in this 1 minute video). New GEP gun functionality (3 options: Half-life-like laser guided, Invisible war-like remotely guided, or just normal rocket launcher point n shoot).

give me the gep gun

Since you last played through here are some notable changes: Yeah I need to make some changes to the changlog for clarity.

Give me the gep gun